Writer's Guidelines

Writer's Guidelines

We have tried to keep our requirements for submissions loose. Generally the easiest way is to send it as an email attachment. We can handle a variety of file formats, but Rich Text Format is always a safe bet.

Anytime we do any editing, other than spelling or simple punctuation corrections, a proof copy will be sent to the author for approval.

We are happy to accept multiple part articles, but we will not normally print part one until we receive the complete series. We encourage authors submitting articles over 10,000 words to write them as a series.

Good photographs accompanying an article increase the likelihood it will be used. We prefer original, unedited, unreduced versions whenever possible, but will take what ever we can get. Please include captions and authors of all photos submitted. They can be submitted as email attachments to sjones@americanfalconry.com If sending large files as email attachments is a problem just let me know, and I will set up a Dropbox for you.

Tables, graphs, and other illustrations need to be professional in appearance if they are to be used. Frequently we can help in this area.

Payment for articles starts at $100.00. Exact amount will depend on length, photos included, amount of editing needed, and notoriety of the author.

Steve Jones - editor

American Falconry
PO Box 187
Dayton, WY 82836-0187
email: sjones@americanfalconry.com
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